Submit Recipe
No registration is required to submit your recipe. Simply fill out the form below and upload your photo. We will review your recipe. Thanks for taking the time to contribute your paleo culinary skills!
Before submitting, please make sure:
- All recipes are purely paleo.
- Give credit to whom it is due. Get owner consent or assign credit* to recipes from other authors.
- If you got the recipe from another site, link to the blog post or web page in “Your URL” below.
- A high quality photo is required with each recipe submission. Photos must be at least 400 pixels wide with a maximum width of 3500 pixels. All large images will automatically be resized to 700 pixels. You can easily resize your photos online here.
*We do our best to include as many recipes as possible from a variety of sources. Each recipe on The Paleo Cook gives credit and links to the original source in an effort to promote the original author and their website. If you find a recipe here that does not meet this standard, please contact us so we can fix it!
If you have questions or need assistance, we are happy to help.